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Elevated Convos with Cass

Your Personal Elevated Mindset Advocate

30 min
44 US dollars

Service Description

Join Cass for a relaxed, 25-minute session where you can freely discuss your journey of breaking patterns, healing, and creating a new legacy. Share your triumphs, voice your frustrations, and explore your aspirations in a supportive space. Think of it as a refreshing coffee break with a friend who is there to cheer you on and help you see your potential, all from the comfort of your own space. 💎 What Clients Should Expect: ✨ A Supportive Ear: Cass provides a non-judgmental space to discuss your experiences and challenges related to breaking generational patterns and personal growth. ✨ Insightful Perspectives: Cass offers insights and reflections to help you gain clarity, find motivation, and align with your spiritual path. ✨ Confidentiality: Your conversations are private, providing a safe space to express yourself openly. ✨ Casual Interaction: These sessions are meant to be informal and relaxed, much like catching up with a friend. ✨ Follow-up Inspiration: After each chat, you'll receive a brief email with key takeaways and a motivational message to inspire you. 💎 What Not to Expect: ✨ Professional Counseling or Therapy: Cass provides support and motivation, not psychological counseling or therapy. ✨ Medical Advice: These conversations are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. ✨ Legal or Financial Advice: Cass is not qualified to provide legal or financial advice. ✨ Intensive Life Coaching: While supportive, these sessions do not include detailed action plans or follow-up tasks that you might expect from traditional life coaching. 💎 Benefits of the Service: ✨ Emotional Support: Having someone to listen to and validate your experiences can be incredibly supportive, especially when navigating the challenges of breaking generational patterns. ✨ Enhanced Perspective: Cass can help you see your journey from a new angle, offering insights to support your growth and healing. ✨ Increased Motivation: Sometimes, all you need is a bit of encouragement to reignite your motivation and keep you moving forward on your path of creating a new legacy. ✨ Spiritual Alignment: Cass can help you explore your spiritual gifts and find alignment with your higher purpose. ✨ Convenience: Easy to schedule and requiring no travel, these sessions fit seamlessly into your busy life, providing support right when needed.

Cancellation Policy

🌟 Session Purpose and Expectations: * Nature of Service: These conversations are supportive and motivational, not psychological therapy, medical advice, or legal counseling. * Session Duration: Each session is precisely 25 minutes long. * Focus: The primary focus is on your growth and empowerment. Personal anecdotes will be shared only when directly relevant and beneficial to your journey. 🤝 Mutual Respect and Communication: * Respectful Communication: Respect and kindness are required at all times. Abusive language, yelling, or aggressive behaviors are grounds for immediate session termination. * Influence-Free: Please ensure you are not under the influence of drugs or alcohol during our sessions. 🚫 Off-Limits Topics: * Professional Boundaries: Discussions of sexual or romantic nature are strictly prohibited. * Emergency Situations: I am not equipped as a crisis hotline. If you face immediate danger, please contact local emergency services. 🔒 Confidentiality: * Privacy Commitment: All personal information and session discussions are kept confidential unless sharing is consented by you or legally required. * Exceptional Disclosure: If there is an imminent threat of serious injury to oneself or someone else, necessary actions will be taken to prevent harm. ⏰ Cancellation and Refund Policy: * 24-Hour Notice: Cancellations made at least 24 hours before the session are eligible for a full refund. * Late Cancellation: Cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to the session will not be refunded. * No-Shows: Failure to attend a session without notice will not be refunded and may impact your ability to book future sessions. 🏥 Referrals: * Professional Referrals: If it becomes clear that your needs exceed what I can provide, I reserve the right to suggest professional mental health services. ⚖️ Limited Liability: * Service Guarantees: While I strive to offer valuable support, I make no guarantees regarding the outcome of our sessions. * Damage Limitation: My liability for any indirect, consequential, or special damages is strictly limited to the amount you paid for the session. ✅ Agreement to Terms: * Acceptance of Terms: By booking a session, you acknowledge and agree to adhere to these policies. * Termination Rights: I reserve the right to terminate any session or client relationship if violated Tarot Policy &

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