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The Spiritual Audit: Your Complete Guide to Managing, Protecting, and Investing Your Energy

Updated: Feb 16

Hey Spiritual Bestie

Ever feel like your energy's just off, but you can't put your finger on why? As your go-to Spiritual Success Consultant, I'm here to spill the tea on how to tap into your inner self and get that spiritual high vibe back. Trust this spiritual message—it's a game-changer!

Who's this for?

Anyone looking to level up emotionally and spiritually

What are we diving into?

How to audit your energy like a pro

When should you start?


Where can you find more?

Right here, with your spiritual bestie, Cass (The Elevated Taurus)


Because your emotional and spiritual needs aren't just a side hustle; they're the main event.

In this blog post, you'll learn my unique methods to safely guard your energy reserves and tap into your inner self. Trust me, by the end, you'll be on a spiritual high vibe that not even a sledgehammer could break.

1. Energetic Auditing: Beyond the Obvious Drains

Energetic auditing is one of the most underrated skills you can have. you gotta step back and look at the big picture. What's going on? And why? There are four pillars to audit properly: the body, emotions, mind, and spirit. In this section, you'll learn how to properly audit each section at a base level to protect your positive energy.

The Body: More Than Just a Vessel

Your body isn't just a vehicle to carry you from point A to point B; it's a dynamic system constantly interacting with various forms of energy. To audit this pillar, you must go beyond the usual "eat clean, exercise more" spiel. Consider metabolic testing to understand how efficiently your body converts food into energy. Look into your gut health—your second brain—and its role in your mood and energy levels. Don't just hit the gym; understand the types of exercise that specifically elevate your energy frequency.

Emotions: The Silent Energy Conductors

Emotions are more than fleeting feelings; they're powerful conductors of energy. To audit this area, start journaling your emotional triggers. Identify patterns and consider cognitive behavioral therapy techniques to reframe negative thought processes. Emotional intelligence isn't just a buzzword; it's a skill set that can help you manage and protect your energy more effectively.

Mind: The Control Room

Your mind is the control room of your life. To audit this pillar, consider techniques like mindfulness and focused attention to become aware of your thought patterns. Use tools like the Eisenhower Box to prioritize tasks that align with your energy and goals. It's not just about mental stamina; it's about aligning your cognitive processes with activities that nourish your energy.

The Eisenhower Matrix is also known as the time management matrix, the Eisenhower Box, and the urgent-important matrix. This tool helps you divide your tasks into four categories: the tasks you'll do first, the tasks you'll schedule for later, the tasks you'll delegate, and the tasks you'll delete.

Spirit: The Core of Your Being

Your spirit is the essence of who you are, and protecting this energy at all costs is crucial. To audit this pillar, engage in practices that connect you to your higher self. Whether it's through meditation, prayer, or spiritual readings, find what resonates with you. Consider chakra balancing or energy healing modalities like Reiki to cleanse and protect your spiritual energy.

Takeaway: Mastering the art of energetic auditing is a cornerstone of spiritual and emotional intelligence. By meticulously examining the four pillars—body, emotions, mind, and spirit—you equip yourself with the tools to safeguard your energy reserves. This is not merely self-care; it's a strategic approach to holistic well-being.

2. The Energy Budget: Your Spiritual Ledger

When managing and protecting your energy, consider it a spiritual ledger. You wouldn't throw your money around like confetti, right? The same goes for your energy. Let's focus on two key strategies: energy allocation and energy investment.

Energy Allocation: Knowing Where Your Energy Goes

The first step to protecting your energy is understanding where it's spent. This goes beyond the apparent drains like toxic relationships or negative people. It's about the subtle nuances that can elevate or deplete your energy levels. For instance, your work environment, the media you consume, and even your thoughts can affect your energy.

To manage your energy, you need to allocate it like a pro. Create a spiritual ledger where you jot down all the activities, people, and situations that drain or recharge your energy. Be brutally honest with yourself. If scrolling through social media leaves you feeling drained, it needs to be on the 'debit' side of your ledger. Conversely, if spending time in nature uplifts you, that's a 'credit.'

The goal is to have more credits than debits in your spiritual ledger. Set clear boundaries to protect your energy, and stick to them. This is not just about avoiding negativity; it's about fostering positive experiences that enrich your life.

Energy Investment: The Power of Mindfulness and Positive Affirmations

Once you've got a handle on your energy allocation, the next step is to invest it wisely. Mindfulness is being present at the moment and paying attention to your thoughts and feelings without judgment. It's a powerful way to protect your energy because it allows you to be aware of what's affecting you positively and negatively.

Incorporate mindfulness techniques into your daily routine. Take a few deep breaths when you're feeling overwhelmed or stressed. This simple yet powerful act can help you manage your mental and physical health, giving you inner peace.

Now, let's talk about positive affirmations. These are not just feel-good phrases; they're energy boosters. Positive self-talk and affirmations can transform your mental landscape, making it fertile ground for positivity. Create a list of affirmations that resonate with you and repeat them daily. Make it a habit to replace negative thoughts and emotions with positive affirmations. This is more than just staying positive; it's about creating a positive energy field around you.

Takeaway: managing your energy is crucial for your overall well-being. By focusing on energy allocation and investment, you're not just taking steps to protect your energy but making a conscious effort to enrich your life. This is the essence of spiritual success—knowing how to protect, manage, and invest your energy for a fulfilling life.

3. Mindful Energy Awareness: The S.T.O.P. Technique

Imma tell ya every chance I get! Mindfulness is the ultimate life hack that'll skyrocket your energy game. I'm talking about the S.T.O.P. technique—Stop, Take a breath, Observe, and Proceed. Let's break it down, step by step, and unlock the power within you.

Stop: Seize Your Power

Girl… hit the brakes! Sounds simple. But ya’ll know Imma always keep it real—in a 24/7 world, stopping is your ultimate power move. The second you hit pause, you're taking back control of the whirlwind of negativity that might be swirling around you. Instantly, you create a sanctuary—a sacred space where you can reset. If you don't hit pause, you're just another pawn in the chaos game. Ain't nobody got time for that!

Take a Breath: Unleash the Life Force

After you've slammed on those brakes, catch that breath, honey! Skip this step, and you're inviting stress to the party—and trust me, stress is the ultimate party pooper.

Observe: Tap into Your Inner Guru

Now that you're all oxygenated, it's time to Observe. This is where your inner wisdom shines. What's your mental chatter saying? How's your emotional weather? What's your body telling you? Observing lets you pinpoint the energy suckers and emotional vampires. Skip this, and you're leaving crucial intel on the table—info that could be your energy game-changer.

Proceed: Make Your Power Moves

Last but not least, Proceed—but do it like a boss. Armed with the insights you've just gathered, you're ready to make choices that vibe with your energy goals. Whether stepping away from a draining convo or diving into activities that light you up, moving forward mindfully is where the magic happens; rush through this, and you're asking for an energy nosedive. Who wants that?

The Real Talk: Don't Skip S.T.O.P.

If you ignore this technique, you're handing over your power to external chaos, leaving you drained and off your game. But when you rock the S.T.O.P. technique, you're not just getting by; you're glowing up. You're not just reacting; you're choosing. And let's be clear: the freedom to choose is everything.

The Takeaway

The S.T.O.P. technique isn't just a practice; it's a whole vibe. It's about owning your energy and, by extension, your life. Each step is like a building block for your spiritual and emotional glow-up. Stack 'em high! So don't just drift through life; own it. Be mindful, protect your sacred energy, and reclaim your power.

So, are you hyped to S.T.O.P. and snatch back your energy? Believe me, once you start, you'll be hooked. It's that transformative.



4. Transpersonal Psychology for Ego Transcendence

Let me tell you why transpersonal psychology is a whole vibe shift! It takes you beyond the traditional frameworks that focus solely on the ego and its limitations, propelling you into a realm where the ego is transcended and integrated into a higher state of consciousness.

Defining Transpersonal Psychology

Let's break it down: transpersonal psychology goes beyond that 'me, myself, and I' mindset and taps into something bigger—like your higher self, divine energy, or even the universe itself... This is one of my favorite fields in psychology because it uniquely describes self-actualization, emphasizing stages of development beyond what traditional psychology envisioned. It's not just about diagnosing disorders or treating symptoms; it's about reaching your full potential.

The Ego: Your Energy Gatekeeper

Let's squash this myth: your ego ain't the bad guy here. It's a part of you that serves a purpose. Think of it as the gatekeeper of your energy. It decides what gets in and stays out based on past experiences and societal conditioning. However, the ego operates from a limited perspective, often trapping you in negative energy cycles. Transpersonal psychology helps you understand this dynamic, offering strategies to transcend these limitations.

The Process of Ego Transcendence

Transcending the ego isn't about kicking it to the curb; it's about getting it to play nice with your higher self. It's a process that involves several stages:

  • Self-Awareness: The first step is recognizing the ego's patterns and triggers. This is where mindfulness techniques, like the S.T.O.P. method, can be beneficial.

  • Self-Inquiry: This involves questioning the beliefs and narratives that the ego has constructed. Are they serving you, or are they draining your energy?

  • Self-Integration: This is the stage where you harmonize the ego with your higher self. It's about making choices that align with your essence rather than ego-driven fears or desires.

Practical Applications: Energy Management

You ask: How do I use this transpersonal psychology stuff to manage my energy? Sis, I got you:

  • Energy Assessment: Use the principles of transpersonal psychology to assess where your energy is flowing. Are your actions ego-driven or aligned with your higher self?

  • Energy Realignment: If your ego is draining your energy, employ meditation or guided visualization techniques to reconnect with your higher self.

  • Energy Sustenance: Consistently practice self-awareness and self-inquiry to align your energy with your higher self.

The Takeaway

Transpersonal psychology offers a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex relationship between your ego and energy. It provides actionable insights that can significantly impact your energy management strategies. This is about living a life that's 100% you, with no compromises. It's about making conscious choices that protect your energy and elevate it.

Are you pumped to go beyond that ego and tap into an endless well of kick-ass energy? The journey might be challenging, but the rewards are immeasurable. It's time to break free from the limitations of the ego and step into a realm of limitless potential. Trust me, once you experience the liberating power of transpersonal psychology, there's no going back. You're not just upgrading your energy; you're transforming your life. Let's get it!


5. Release Toxic Cultural Stories

Oh biissshhhhh... I said it. It doesn't matter where you come from or what your background is. Every and every culture has toxicity. Toxic cultural scripts are messing with your head, your heart, and your soul! I'm talkmbout societal norms, biases, and stereotypes that attempt to dictate how you move, what you value, and the choices you make.

Whether it's the roles society says you gotta play, what "success" should look like, or the never-ending chase for material things, these stories can put a cap on your personal and spiritual growth.

Recognizing these toxic tales ain't just some side issue; it's a major key. These narratives drain your energy, create stress, and can throw you off your spiritual path.

As someone in the business of spiritual elevation, I'm here to tell you it's time to challenge these limiting beliefs. Doing so is about freeing yourself; it's a spiritual practice that aligns you with your true self and higher calling. So let's get to work.

Critical Self-Reflection: The Mirror of Truth First, you gotta hold that mirror up to yourself and get real. This ain't about self-judgment; it's about self-awareness, the cornerstone of any spiritual journey. As a spiritual success consultant, I can't stress enough how vital it is to examine the stories you've internalized. Ask yourself, "What narratives have I bought into?" Whether it's the hustle culture that glorifies burnout or the societal norms that dictate your worth based on material possessions, you need to identify these toxic tales. Once you've pinpointed them, it's time to dissect them. Look at how these stories have shaped your behaviors, your relationships, and, most importantly, your spiritual well-being. This is the first step in reclaiming your energy and setting the stage for spiritual elevation.

Narrative Reauthoring: Rewrite the Script Now that you've identified these toxic stories, it's time to flip the script. Narrative reauthoring is a powerful therapeutic technique that allows you to rewrite your story to align with your true self and spiritual goals. Start by identifying your life story's characters, themes, and plotlines that are holding you back. Then, consciously choose to rewrite them. This ain't some woo-woo stuff; it's a transformative practice grounded in spiritual wisdom and evidence-based social work methodologies. As you rewrite, infuse your story with affirmations and positive self-talk, reinforcing your worth and spiritual potential. Remember, you are the author of your life, and you have the power to write a story that uplifts and empowers you.

Community Engagement: The Collective Reckoning: You can't talk about changing narratives without addressing the collective aspect. Toxic cultural stories aren't just personal but societal. So, engaging with your community is crucial to challenge and change these narratives. Whether it's through community organizing, advocacy, or educational workshops, use your platform to raise awareness and foster dialogue. As a spiritual success consultant, I emphasize the importance of collective healing as a pathway to individual spiritual growth. When you engage with your community, you're not just amplifying your energy; you're contributing to a collective frequency that can shift paradigms. This is where the real work happens, y'all. It's a win-win: you protect your energy while elevating the collective consciousness.

The takeaway is clear: Releasing toxic cultural stories is a collective call to action with profound implications for your spiritual journey. This is about more than just self-improvement; it's about spiritual elevation and systemic transformation. By engaging in critical self-reflection, you're taking the first step in reclaiming your narrative and, by extension, your energy.

Through narrative reauthoring, you're setting a new standard for what's possible in your life through narrative reauthoring setting a new standard for what's possible in your life. And let's remember the power of community engagement. When you step up to challenge toxic narratives collectively, you're contributing to a shift in consciousness that benefits us all.

So, take into account the impact of this work. It's transformative, both for you and for the world around you. As a spiritual success consultant, this deep work leads to lasting change. Enough with the limiting beliefs; it's time to step into your power and own it!


Words of Wisdom:

Remember, you are a spiritual powerhouse, and you deserve unshakable peace.

You've got the tools; now it's time to use them. Don't just sit on this knowledge; apply it. Your spiritual journey is not a spectator sport—it's the main event, and you're the star player. So tap into that inner self, and let your spiritual high vibe shine. You've got this, and I'm right here cheering you on!


Join The Elevated Tribe

Hey, don't go just yet! If you loved this, you're gonna be head over heels for what's coming next. I've got a blog post in the works that's all about "Unlocking Your Spiritual Potential." Trust me, you will want to take advantage of this. So why not subscribe to the Elevated Tribe membership? It's FREE, and it's lit AF!


A Task For Your Elevation:

Before you click away, I've got a challenge for you. Take five minutes today to jot down what's been draining your energy lately. Awareness is the first step to change, and you're more than capable of making that change.


The Key Take Away

We've covered a lot today, from understanding how to audit your energy to tapping into your inner self for that spiritual high vibe. The key takeaway? Your emotional and spiritual needs are not a side gig but your life's work. So take the steps, make the changes, and watch how your life transforms.


Glossary of Terms:

  • Chakra Balancing: A spiritual practice aimed at aligning and balancing the energy centers in your body.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): A psychological treatment that helps you understand and change your thought patterns.

  • Community Engagement: Actively participating in your community to bring about collective change.

  • Energetic Auditing: Evaluating various aspects of your life to understand how they affect your energy.

  • Energy Allocation: The process of understanding where your energy is being spent.

  • Energy Investment: Consciously directing your energy towards activities and thoughts that benefit you.

  • Four Pillars: The body, emotions, mind, and spirit are the key areas to focus on when auditing your energy.

  • Gut Health: Your digestive system's health can affect mood and energy levels.

  • Inner Self: The core of your emotional and spiritual identity.

  • S.T.O.P. Technique: A mindfulness practice for Stop, Take a Breath, Observe, and Proceed.

  • Spiritual High Vibe: A state of elevated spiritual and emotional well-being.

  • Spiritual Success Consultant: A guide who helps you align your spiritual journey with your life goals.

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